Dr. Bennett and Dr. Byrd welcome the music department to discuss the beautiful diversity in worship music. With help from the students, staff, and faculty performers, the professors lead a discussion about the Christian music industry and the benefits and splendor of diversity.
Honored guest, Brigitte Sylvestre speaks to students and faculty about her journey from communication major at PBA to producer and host of Moody Radio’s morning show.
Howard Thurman's Jesus and the Disinherited (Part 4)
Jesus’ Religion of Love is the foundation of our brotherhood. Today, two Theatre majors lead us in worship as Dr. Byrd and Dr. Bennett introduce Howard Thurman’s book to discuss the need for racial reconciliation and the background issues that keep important conversations from progressing.
Dr. Stephanie Bennett introduces the of marriage of morality and dialogue through this final lecture in the introduction of Wordship through Parker Palmer’s book, To Know as we are Known: Education as a Spiritual Journey.
Dr. Stephanie Bennett continues unpacking the acronym Wordship, looking at the wonder of the word and the openness needed to walk in “the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge” of God as we continue through Parker Palmer’s book, To Know as we are Known: Education as a Spiritual Journey.
Educating the whole person; knowing and learning from the heart
Good teaching is not about technique; it begins with an epistemology of love and an obedience to Truth. The “o” in Wordship is for observation, openness, and obedience.